Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Lightswitches and Doorknobs

Caleb crawled into bed with me this morning after Andy left for work, dragging his blanket and bear. He just recently became attached to the blanket as well as the bear but thankfully they are only necessary for naps and bedtime. :) He likes to sleep with his foot up on my hip, don't ask me why. Unfortunately, I found out at 7 that he is now tall enough to reach light switches and likes to flick them. lol Stephen and I could not remain alseep with the light flickering in our eyes so here we are. Stephen is talking to me while I type and Caleb is happily watching TV, which he can also turn on by himself now, telling me all about what he is watching. Because of these new abilities we have already bought doorknob covers so Caleb can't decide to go outside without us, he can reach the deadbolt.

Watching Caleb turn the deadbolt reminded me of our next door neighbors. They have 2 little girls who at the time this happened were 2 1/2 and 1. I got home from shopping and saw them happily running around naked in the living room the way kids do and one window was open because the weather was beautiful. About 5 minutes later I heard them giggling running up and down the sidewalk, still blissfully naked. :) Turns out that the oldest knew she couldn't open the door with the doorknob cover on, so she backed out the open window and opened the door from the outside to let her sister out. It was hilarious and their mother was so embaressed. lol


K. Humby said...

Oops!!! How cute! I bet their mother was excited. How is it that kids gain so much pleasure from running around naked??? I would rather die!!!

K. Humby said...

Don't ask me why I wrote "excited"... I meant mortified! oh well... I must be pregant. ;)