Tuesday, October 30, 2007


It's amazing how much is contained in the word life. If someone asks "how's life" we have so many different things we can assume they are asking. How's school? How's the family? How are you doing? All of which can have many different answers and it's interesting to see what people decide the answer is going to be.

For me life right now consists of trying to keep my head above water with school and taking care of my family. It's amazing how little can get done in a day when you have two cranky children who both want all of your attention. By the time I get the both to bed at night and look at our house I can just get depressed. :P Other times, my boys are little angels and I can have the house sparkling clean and dinner ready when Andy gets home from school. I love having my boys so close together, but it can be really frustrating at times. With my family all 2 1/2 to 3 years apart my Mom was able to train us in proper behavior outside the home before the next one came along. I run through stores trying to keep Caleb from falling out of the buggy, hitting Stephen in the head with something or pitching a fit. All of this is made more difficult by the fact that we can't spank in public without fear that we will have social services knocking on our door.
Life is good in all aspects for me, just long at times. :D

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Our home and other random pics

I'm still trying to settle into our new home, but here is a picture of our family in front of our beautiful duplex. Also, some random pics of Caleb's 2nd birthday and of our boys. :)

Our side is the one you can see the most of :D

They love taking baths together and soak me with the splashing.

Watching the Wiggles after their bath.

Blowing candles out with Daddy.

Nana, Becky and Ruth came down for his birthday... his presents

Stephen was chasing the apple juice bottle in circles. lol

Monday, October 15, 2007


God is so good!!! I was going through old bills today and filing them. I was actually looking at what they were charging for and noticed that we had been charged $400 for a circumcision we did not have done. I called the doctor's office and am in the process of getting that removed. It's pretty easy to prove that it wasn't done and I told the lady I'd be happy to bring Stephen in if they need proof that he wasn't circumcised. She laughed and said that it wouldn't be necessary. :) Isn't it wonderful how the Lord gives us gifts we didn't even know we needed? I can't believe I missed that when I first got the bill.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Pure Outrage

I was watching Bill O'Reilly last night and he was talking about the gay parade in San Francisco and how hateful they are getting towards Christians. They are now openly attacking Christianity in ways worse than the stories we have seen on Moslem prejudice. In the past I feel that I have been opposed to homosexuality because it is immoral and goes competely against the Bible, but I have not been out-spoken about how wrong it is. After seeing the hatred many are exhibiting and the direct attacks on our Christian foundations, I believe that Christians can not sit back and hope that a small group can protest and win this debate. We must all stop hanging back and instead express our horror that the state is trying to force us into "tolerence" of every other religious or personal beliefs and refuse to allow these things to happen. Between this news that is not being covered and the things that Ms. Clinton has been spewing, I am going to have to get back into politics in some way in this next year. If we all sit by jaded, than our country is ruined and Christians will have no where to go. The rest of the world is even more liberal and accepting of everything but Christians. It is our responsibility to give our children a safe place to grow up in. If this is allowed to continue what is next, people thinking that pedophiles are a normal part of society and looking the other way.

Below is the best description I have found of what happened in San Francisco it is on conservativethoughts.us

I wonder if the media will cover this like it did the Mohammed cartoons! I doubt it, unless you think Christians will hit the streets in riots burning everything in site.Organizers of San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair — sponsored by Miller Brewing Co. — have portrayed Christ and his disciples as half-naked homosexual sadomasochists in the event’s promotional advertisement, and the conservative group Concerned Women for America is complaining about the hypocrisy of it.“The bread and wine representing Christ’s broken body and lifegiving blood are replaced with sadomasochistic sex toys in this twisted version of Da Vinci’s The Last Supper,” CWA said on its Web site.
“‘Gay’ activists disingenuously call Christians ‘haters’ and ‘homophobes’ for honoring the Bible, but then lash out in this hateful manner toward the very people they accuse,” said said Matt Barber, CWA’s policy director for cultural issues.
“In their version of The Last Supper, Christ, Who gave His life for our sins, is despicably replaced by sin itself as the object of worship.”
CWA is calling on California politicians — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sens. Feinstein and Boxer among them — to “publicly condemn this unprovoked attack against Christ and His followers.
“We further challenge the media to cover this affront to Christianity with the same vigor as recent stories about cartoon depictions of Mohammed and other items offensive to the Muslim community,” CWA said.
I think the only thing shocking is that groups keep thinking it is soooo artsy to mock Christ, yet culturally insensitive to mock Islam.
Oh, and San Fran can host this, but ROTC causes traffic problems???? And now they attack the Blue Angels? How long before Sodom sinks into the Pacific?
I won’t say, “This is an attack on Christianity, and a double standard, as this would have never happenned to the Muslims,” because that is obvious.
People like to call Christians intolerant, but I see something entirely different. My friend Brujo stated this in an article earlier:
I read a Liberty Counsel Alert dated August 24, 2007 regarding an incident that is central to my point. There is a church in New Jersey, Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, which is a ministry of the Methodist Church that happens to own some prime beach side real estate that is used for church services, gospel concerts, Bible studies and weddings. It seems there was a lesbian couple that wanted to get ‘married.’ They attempted to rent this facility and were turned down because of the religious beliefs and practices of this church. Their doctrine (religious belief) prohibits civil unions of same sex individuals. The women complained to the state that the church was violating state anti-discrimination laws and the state initiated an investigation.
I find it interesting that the state would even consider such an investigation. This church, like many Bible believing Christian organizations, live their religion. The do no commit crimes such as murder because of a religious belief and not out of concern for man’s law. They will not violate the tenants of their religion. The U.S. Constitution as primary law of the land is supposed to protect religious practice. Can you imagine the results of a church being ordered to lend its facilities to support an act they consider a religious abomination? (This is the USA. We can believe in abomination at least until the ACLU criminalizes it.)
It has become apparent that the state of New Jersey is going to take a stab at regulating this church and its activities. The claim is that because they allow anyone to enter they have become a public institution and therefore subject to the anti discrimination laws. I submit that if this was a Hasidic Jewish facility or a Mosque there would be no question regarding the homosexual agenda. Christian churches are traditionally open to the all for worship services. Because they do not lock the doors to only allow their membership access does not give government license to regulate.
Now some of the Gay and Lesbian groups are petitioning local and state government in New Jersey to review the tax exempt status of this church. This is a very strong weapon. Many churches and other religious groups cannot afford to pay property taxes and if required to do so they would have to dispose of the property.
I do not really give two damns would people do in the bedroom as long as it is consentual and the participants are over the legal age. But I also see a gay-rights movement more and more hostile to Christianity, and more willing to chip away to freedom of speech and religion to get to it as these new hate crime laws do. All of us should be threatened by these actions. And this, far more then anything else.

My Moby Wrap

Hey guys! My Moby Wrap get here today and I am so excited. Andy's parents got it for me as an early Christmas present. Stephen and I both love it and I can't wait to try it in all different situations. :) This isn't the best picture, but it will do for now.

Andy tried it with Caleb on his back, but wouldn't let me take a picture.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baby Boys and Girls

I've been thinking about which of my friends have had boys and girls this year and Stephen is one of only three boys in my circle of friends. lol Stephen, Luke and Rebecca's yet to be known little boy are the only one's I can think of. 5 other ladies in my church and 2 other friends have had babies or are due in the next couple of weeks, all girls, and Jen, Kelley, Katie and Kristy have girls. Even the year Caleb was born was a girl year for our church, 3 little girls were born in the same month and then Caleb and his friend William with girls after them. It is starting to appear that my little boys are going to be in the middle of a gang of girls like my brothers were. That's ok though, they will have some beautiful, sweet girls to pick from if Andy and I bring them up right. A couple of my friends have already claimed Caleb. :D

On another note, I had my boys measured and weighed yesterday.
Caleb is 38 inches and 40 lbs at 2. Children generally double their height from 2 to adulthood so you do the math. lol
Stephen is 28 inches and 22 lbs at exactly 6 months. Yes, I know, my children are quite large. :)

Friday, October 5, 2007


With less extreme reactions, the answer often lies in our culture's inability to deal with grief. People in our society have a difficult time dealing with another person's pain and grief, whatever the source, and tend to avoid or minimize it rather than acknowledge it. We are trained to avoid other people's grief, to look away from pain, to deny illness and death, and leave people to deal with these things in private. Sharing another person's pain is simply not a skill many of us have developed or are comfortable with, and grief is still taboo in our society. Grieving death is hard enough; grieving anything less than a death is often seen as indulgent, self-involved, and neurotic.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Giant Turtle

Here at Auburn University they have some pretty little ponds/fountains scattered about the campus. Lots of turtles live in them and Andy has been telling me about this gigantic turtle he keeps seeing and I finally made him take a picture so I could see what he was talking about. That is Andy's shadow on the water and the turtles are sitting on a board that is about a foot wide he says. This is not a snapping turtle it is a regular box turtle and you can see him sitting on a normal sized box turtle on the board. I have never seen a turtle this big that wasn't either a snapping turtle or a sea turtle. Just thought it was amusing and would share with everyone. We are going to take Caleb to see it on Sunday when we take our afternoon walk. Maybe I can get a picture of it near Caleb for more size comparison. ;D