Saturday, May 17, 2008


How do you keep people who you know mean well for the most part from irritating you with their opinions or behavior? Especially when that irritation spills over into other parts of your life. It's difficult to tell some people to bug off and keep their noses out of your business, but I shouldn't let them get to me either. I know it's a normal part of marriage, but I'm tired of Andy and I taking out our irritation at other people on each other. I also don't like being grumpy for a week afterwards because I feel people are questioning something I put my all into. Maybe I should say something, but I'm afraid that would upset more than me.


Rachel said...

I always ask myself at least 3 questions when trying to decide how to handle a situation:
Is it worth the confrontation/what ensues?
Will saying something make any difference at all?
Can I get over it without saying anything?
As far as whether Patrick and I end up taking out our irritations with others on each other, usually discussing the situation and another way to handle it in the future really helps.
Recently, I have been really wishing that we lived in a sinless world!

Beth said...

Thanks Rachel. Good questions to think about. Andy and I do talk about the situation, though sometimes it takes a day or two to really figure out what the irritation was to begin with. When we talk it does help, but I hate feeling like I'm complaining about the same situation over and over again.
I agree with the wish for a sinless world completely!!