Well, we are down to crunch time with our move. We take possession of our new apartment on August 1st and we can not wait to be out from under our current realty company. It has been an interesting experience trying to pack with a curious 2 year old. Caleb wants to see everything that I put in a box and I have discovered that he is strong enough to pick up most of the small and medium size boxes to make sure I haven't packed one he hasn't looked at yet. :P I'm sure he will be a big help when we are in our duplex. The biggest problem I have had is that I developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in my left wrist and arm and it's really painful. Unfortunately I'm left-handed making it really hard to rest it the way I should. Toteing my 35+ pound child around doesn't help either.
Has anyone heard about the child rapist that got released because the court could not find a translator who spoke his obscure dialect? What do you think of it? He apparently graduated from both high-school and college here in the US, so I think that the judge was extremely stupid to allow the dismissal because he "couldn't understand English well enough to defend himself." Things of this nature really scare me when we are looking at an election year coming up. I'm afraid that Hiliary Clinton has a chance to win and what our poor country will suffer for at least 4 years while hse is president. I don't think our country is ready for a female president especially when we are dealing with so many Muslim countries. A female president would just hurt us even more right now. I also am not sure that a liberal woman, but especially Clinton, can win right now. It might take a conservative woman because some liberal women would vote for her because she was a woman, but must conservative women abhor Hiliary Clinton and will never vote for her. If we get a Liberal president period, I'm afraid that terrorist attacks on American soil will happen again. I think the terrorists will feel pretty secure in the belief that the liberals will talk, but never actually fight back. The only reason I believe that we should stay in Iraq, and my military friends say this too, is because we are fighting all the jihadists over there instead of in New York or Atlanta. I do not believe that Andy and I will be living in a major city for the next several years.
Thank you for listening to my rant, off to pack more boxes...
God'll Cut You Down
6 years ago