Thursday, April 10, 2008


It's amazing how people you think are friends and let into your minds and hearts can betray you at the drop of a hat. It doesn't even have to be anything life-changing that makes them decide to break your trust, just an odd mood, or the decision to turn a blind eye to obvious lies. The amazing thing is that we continue to trust and let people into our lives. I wish that I had followed my first instincts which are normally correct, but people have an amazing ability to decieve when they want something.

On the other hand, people who you really don't notice to begin with because of new situations can become a rock and you realize that true friendship can come from the oddest beginnings. Something as unassuming as a discussion about what marital arts forms you have done can lead to a relationship that you know can stand the test of time.

1 comment:

Little Fish said...

hey friend. I love you.